Monday, March 23, 2009

The Stair Master!

Just when we thought that Cora had run out of tricks for a while, she amazes us! Today she was pulling up on the bottom stair. She surprised me when she pulled herself all the way onto the the step. I stood behind her just to see what she would do. She just kept going! I called for Coy to get the camera and of course, the memory was almost full- but he got a little video of her first climb. She went from climbing no stairs to all of them! I wish the video were a little longer but you get the idea. She went from bottom to top with no help except for me standing behind her, "just in case" *Side note: we recently got new carpet and there are little carpet fuzz pieces everywhere- especially on the stairs because I only get a chance to vacuum them 2 or 3 times a week :) Yeah, right.

Cora's other trick: today she tried to eat a mouthful of dog food. Luckily, I saw it happen and got it out quickly. "Mother of the Year"- I'm clearing a spot on the mantle for my trophy.

Stacie and Regan came over with Carson to watch the game on Saturday. We had such an awesome time. We used to hang out A LOT but we can't seem to make the time anymore. It was great to get together-- twice in one month!

We tried to get some pictures of Carson and Cora but they have gotten too busy! It's impossible to get them to stand still anymore. I got a couple of good ones. (Stacie- you sure look happy... sorry, it was the best picture of the children. I had to do it.)

Cora loves to try to get to the dogs' bowls. So, on Saturday I gave her her own bowl of clean water. I took her clothes off and let her have a field day. First she put her hands in and sucked on her fingers, then she thought it would be fun to put water on my legs, and finally she dumped it all out and crawled all through it. It's the little things, really. It was fun until she realized that she was cold and wet.


Nathan, Laurie, Elizabeth & Emily said...

I had to put our gate on the stairs today b/c Emily figured out how to go up them! Fun times!!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm just like that on my lap my hand goes in her diaper and she coo's and giggles as I touch her pussy, I gently rub and stroke her and she kicks and bucks to baby orgasm, I have done it to lots of babys my wife babysits