Monday, March 30, 2009
Spring Pictures
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Stair Master!
Cora's other trick: today she tried to eat a mouthful of dog food. Luckily, I saw it happen and got it out quickly. "Mother of the Year"- I'm clearing a spot on the mantle for my trophy.
Stacie and Regan came over with Carson to watch the game on Saturday. We had such an awesome time. We used to hang out A LOT but we can't seem to make the time anymore. It was great to get together-- twice in one month!
We tried to get some pictures of Carson and Cora but they have gotten too busy! It's impossible to get them to stand still anymore. I got a couple of good ones. (Stacie- you sure look happy... sorry, it was the best picture of the children. I had to do it.)
Cora loves to try to get to the dogs' bowls. So, on Saturday I gave her her own bowl of clean water. I took her clothes off and let her have a field day. First she put her hands in and sucked on her fingers, then she thought it would be fun to put water on my legs, and finally she dumped it all out and crawled all through it. It's the little things, really. It was fun until she realized that she was cold and wet.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
8 Months Old
Monday, March 9, 2009
We all survived though and between the snow on Monday and the 80 degrees on Sunday, we learned some new tricks!
1.) Cora is now very accomplished at crawling. She will take off and be gone in a flash. I am amazed that a month ago she was not crawling at all!
2.)She has also started pulling up a lot. She pulls up on one end of the hearth and walks (holding on of course) to the other end. Today she even walked about 5 steps behind her little wagon. I got video of it but she wiped out at the end so I decided not to post it...
3.)Cora's next trick is clapping. Cora will now clap her hands together! The problem is taking them apart and repeating it over and over. We'll get to that later I guess. It's also possible that she is showing the sign for "more"- see #4.
4.)Trick number 4 is signing "more". I'm pretty sure that's what it is since she does it when the Cheerios come out and she stops when she gets more. We're not 100% sure it is signing or clapping- see #3.
5.)Finally, Cora has started dancing. Well, if you can call it that. When you say the word dance and move your head up and down, she goes up and down, up and down. It's so cute! Unfortunately, I don't think she got the McKinney rhythm(I certainly didn't!) :) We'll have work on that.
Wow! This month has been a busy one for our little sweetie. I can't believe she is growing and changing so fast!
Below are some pictures of Cora sleeping. She was so tired that she fell asleep sitting up. We took some pictures and just let her stay there. We figured that she would eventually lay over. So when I went to check on her she had adjusted... to another sitting position. Of course I had to take pictures. And yes, I did eventually move her so that she could get a good night of rest.
Sound asleep sitting up, take 1.
Sound asleep sitting up, take 2.