not pictured are Karah, Emily and Dominik (Brian) and Caroline (Eric)
This is a picture of all but 4 of my Grandma Cora's great-grandchildren. I took 19 pictures and this was as good as it got. Trying to take a picture of this crowd was hilarious! I could publish a book of the series of pictures leading to this one.
Just a sampling of what you missed with the outtakes: Will thought it was a good idea to keep his hands on Cora's and Laurel-Ann's heads. Cora and Laurel-Ann would not let go of the pacis. Jackson kept doing jumping jacks with John Marshall's arms. Tannar hit Carson so hard that he cried. Carson cried. Tannar cried. Morgan cried. Morgan lost a shoe. Will is wearing some kind of Star Wars costume... I could go on and on.