Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Over the River...

Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we went!
This post is a little late but during the last snow, Cora and I ventured out... to Reidsville. Waiting for us were 4-wheelers,bedliners, sleds and snowboards. Soon after we arrived my Uncle Tom came by to pull us behind the 4-wheeler on the bedliner. We started out slow but once we dropped off Cora and my mom, he would go faster and faster until we were thrown off into the bean field. SO MUCH FUN!!!
It was really like old times though when my cousin Cori called me up for some midnight sledding/snowboarding. Cora was already asleep and my mom was more than willing to keep an eye on her. Off I went! It was such a beautiful night with a full moon and tons of stars. Eventually, we were all stretched out on our backs looking at the stars and trying to guess what the clouds looked like. It does not get any better than that. Well, maybe when Cora is old enough to join us. :)
It was so beautiful with the snow covering everything. This picture was taken from my mom's front porch. Enough fun for Cora- time for a nap.

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

I love this!! How fun!!