Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Coy was in Colorado all week so it was a girls' week at our house. We missed Coy but had a fun time. We had to be at the airport to pick him up on Friday night but we decided to have some pictures taken first! We thought this would be a nice surprise for Valentine's Day. *You may notice that it is only the 13th. I couldn't wait to show him!* We have used private photographers before and will use them again but I thought that Portrait Innovations would be quick and easy. I was right. We got away with spending relatively little money and I love the pictures! We didn't buy all that I am posting but we got a CD with all of the images. These also have not been cropped or edited. It was such a neat cap to our mother/daughter week. Please enjoy our pictures! I got Cora's dress for $3 at Old Navy! It's perfect for a Valentine's picture.

These are sort of "Sears Portrait Studio-ish" but isn't Cora beautiful!?

She thought it was hilarious to keep putting her finger in her nose. I'll show her... in her senior yearbook. :)


We're VERY into telling secrets these days. Here I am telling Cora to PLEASE take her finger from her mouth.

Where's Mama's nose?
*This may be a last look at my long hair. I think I'm cutting it next week.*

Getting ready for another secret, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Emily Myers said...

I love her I love her I love her I love her! Such great photos, and YES she IS beautiful! So is her mama! What great photos of you both! So sorry the snow put a damper on our plans Saturday morning- let's try again soon, ok? Love you all- Em