Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Father's Day and July 4th

I'm trying to get as many pictures in as possible before Cora's birthday on Sunday.

We had a great Father's Day except that my dad was hospitalized the night before with heart trouble. Fortunately, he is feeling much better now. We missed having him at our house for brunch but we were glad that he was in the capable hands at Moses Cone. Cora is such a lucky girl to have a wonderful Daddy, Papa and Irv. She loves them all so much!

Homemade blackberry dumplins. Cora and I picked the berries ourselves, in our backyard.


We enjoyed Independence Day at my mom's house. Cora actually spent the night before with Ge (and without us)!!!! I can't believe there were no tears! I don't think Cora cried either! :) Coy and I enjoyed a well-deserved, if I do say so myself, night out. I even got to sleep in... no wait, I was still up at 6:30am. We went over to mom's to celebrate with a cookout and fun cousin time.

Watermelon in the sunset. Does it get any better?

So cute!!!

Notice the suitcase in the picture. It is complete with family pictures (in case she forgot us) and baby dolls.

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